
how to keep things nice while in storage

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how to keep things nice while in storage

I am a bit of a hoarder. I love collecting things and holding on to things for many, many years, but I don't like to allow my home to become cluttered. So, what did I do to ensure that I have the space to keep everything that I want to keep without it invading my home? I rented a storage unit. How do I keep things in perfect condition when they are in storage? My blog will tell you how to store all sorts of things in a storage unit without them becoming damaged as they are being stored away from your home.


Climate Control And Security For Sensitive Equipment Storage

Do you have a few computers, displays, cameras, circuit boards, or general electronic devices that need to go into storage for a while? You can't just throw everything into a random storage shed, because anything from a leaky roof, to a rat infestation, or thieves who know their way around consumer-grade padlocks can ruin your investment. Here are a few climate control, security, and general quality concerns to keep in mind when choosing a storage unit for equipment that needs more than just basic shelter.

Climate Control And Item Quality

Everything has an optimal temperature before changes happen. For people and many household objects, a slight change in climate doesn't mean much beyond slouching, creaking, and a slight change in a shape that wasn't uniform to begin with--at least not without microscopic inspection.

For many electronics, metals, and storage media, changes in temperature can ruin everything. Hard drives, vinyl records, optical discs, and circuit boards are all rigid systems that do their job in part because of their shape--or their shape was affected by the intended job.

Hard drives, records, and discs all store information on hard surfaces, and when temperatures change, those hard surfaces can crumble or warp in a way that doesn't change to its original shape. The original shape is too finely-etched. To protect them, make sure that there is a climate control system that can heat and cool to maintain temperatures, like at Pearl Street Self Storage, that are safe for your belongings.

When dealing with fabrics and paper, you have those same temperature problems that slightly affect the appearance of your belongings. The bigger issue for these items would be moisture, mildew, and mold, and these problems can become bigger without proper climate control.

If your area is naturally dry, you may not need much in the way of moisture control outside of making sure that the facility doesn't leak when it rains. For coastal areas or areas with near constant humidity over around 50%, make sure that the facility has dehumidifiers or connections for you to attach your own dehumidifiers.

Security Is Vital, But Flexible

If your belongings require climate control, they're likely valuable. Thieves aren't just looking for specific items to suit their needs or a specific customer's needs, but anything that could be of value at a legal pawn shop or illegal fence

At the bare minimum, look for storage facilities that are gated or walled off. Don't go for storage facilities that can be approached by random people who aren't slowed down by gates or a door of some sort. Make sure that the actual storage unit doors are protected by handles and sturdy locks, not just padlocks or combination locks.

Next, look for security cameras. Some businesses--not just storage facilities--install mock cameras to act as deterrents, but if you want to capture a skilled and successful thief, make sure that the cameras are recording. Write down a time and date when you're standing in front of one of the facility's cameras and ask to see footage from that time. If you're not in the footage, make sure that the facility fixes their surveillance systems.

Security guards are optional, but they're best used at least after hours if not all day long. Contact a storage facility representative to discuss other features that may be helpful for your belongings.